Eritrean Forces and The Battle of Adwa


It is difficult to come to terms with when you notice some people asserting that Eritreans were involved at the battle of Adwa alongside the Ethiopian army.

Please share if there are historical evidences indicating the involvement of Eritreans in the battle of Adwa alongside Ethiopian army. The only evidence available so far has been the claim that some Eritrean defectors were involved.

Other than such flawed innuendoes all historical evidences, even by Ethiopian historian accounts show that Ethiopian army at the time was composed of only Ethiopians.

Paulos Milkias and Getachew Metafria in their 2005 edited book titled ‘The Battle of Adwa: Reflection on Ethiopia’s Historic Victory against European Colonialism’, on page 77 have managed to provide detailed makeup of Ethiopian army at the battle of Adwa.

1. The Mehal-Sefari or central Ethiopian fighting unit was mainly drawn from Showa Amhara infantry from Menz, Tegulet, Wogda, Moret, Insaro, Washa, Merha-Bete, Yifat, Qewet, Gidim, Gishe, Efrata Anstokia and Ankober, and Oromo cavalry from the Machaa-Tulamaa of Salalé, Ada’a, Ambo, Jaldu, Gudar and others. The Mehal-Sefari had always to accompany the emperor.

2. Ras Makonnen’s troops were mainly composed of Showan Amhara and Gurage infantry and Oromo cavalry.

3. Fitawrari Tekle led the Wallaga Oromo infantry and Cavalry.

4. Ras Wolle’s army was composed of Amharas from Quara, Begemder, Semien and Dembia. Ras Wolle Betoul’s was comprised of Moslem and Christian cavalry mostly from Yejju and Borana Wallo.

5. Ras Mikael commanded mostly Wallo Moslem and Christian cavalry.

6. Empress Taytu led her own Simien Amhara and Yejju fighters.

7. Ras Alula and Ras Mengesha Yohannes, son of the former Emperor Yohannes IV, were mainly with Tigray but also significant numbers of Azabo Rayya, Oromo infantry bolstered by the defectors from the Italian side,

8. Ras Sebhat and Dejazmach Hagos of Agame, Tigray.

9. Wag-Shum Gwangul led Agaw and Amhara infantry from Wag and Lasta.

10. Negus Tekle Haimanot commanded Gojam Amhara infantry and cavalry.

The Ethiopian army at Adwa was, therefore, made up of Ethiopian nationalities with no mention to the involvement of any Eritrean force. Of course, unless it was a force not worth mentioning.

On the other hand, historical evidences account the huge role Eritreans played alongside Italian army not as conscripts but as a force with a just cause to defend the birth right of their children and grandchildren. And they won.

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